Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Self portrait
Line etch

Self portrait
Line Etch with Aquatint

This particular semester Joel assigned both the litho class and the intaglio class to do self portraits. Though I'm ashamed to admit it, inspiration for a series was hard to come by that semester, and I ended up spending a majority of the semester trying to perfect this print (which was gouged in the acid and left a deep line cut across my face).

In an effort to crank out SOMETHING, I created one more plate to add to my series regarding love and my relationship with my fiance.

I one day decided to print the back of "The Kiss" plate because it had a great deal of foul bite due to varnish that had been eaten away in the acid (and possibly, a lot of carelessness being that I was a baby at the time!). The plate was beautifull blemished, and I decided to print a quote about printmaking along with the gouges, and it reads: "Printmaking is fun because it takes a perfectly simple process like drawing and makes it as complicated and error prone as possible". When explaining what printmaking entailed to friends and family who were not familiar with the process, I often times explained a lot of the art of printmaking had to do with the processes behind creating the final image.

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